MEYPACK offers continuous band sealers, using the DOBOY band sealing principle, in a wide
variety of performance ranges for safe hermetically tight closures of plastic bags. The perfectly
homogenous sealing with heater bars and continuously moving bands is done under pressure.
high heat efficiency due to spring-loaded heater bars
simple operation and maintenance due to good accessibility
short change-over time for varying bag dimensions
compatible with any common open mouth bag feeding system
Type of closure
Heat sealing with overtape
for products that cannot be blown off the inner bag wall
Combined heat seal and sewing
Crimp seal
On machines with water cooling bars the seals are cooled down under pressure between the steel bands. This gives incomparable smooth seals. The also possible air cooling, in comparison, is leaving wrinkled seals due to free shrinking. Further optional equipment fits the machine to difficult applications, e.g. dusty filling goods.
Method of operation
The bag closing machines series CBS utilize the continuous sealing process. The bag is guided at the seal level through the heating section by PTFE-coated steel bands. This guarantees the most efficient heat transfer and avoids direct contact of the plastic film with the heat source.
The heating section consists of heater bars, the numbers depending on machine type and required throughput. The automatic temperature control of the heater bars enables the user to run the machine constantly with a sealing process perfectly set to the bag specification.
After heat sealing, the bag passes through cooling bars or air blowers to cool down the seal. Carrier belts immediately below the steel bands, hold the top of the bag top and maintain control through the entire machine. At the same time the bag is supported by a conveyor (additional equipment).
Machines CBS-S equipped with sewing heads F100, DS-9, or N980A are used for the closure of woven PP fabrics bags with PE inner liner. They heat seal the inner liner and sew all layers of the bag.
When powders (contrary to granules, prills, flakes) are filled into bags, dust clouds blow up in the bag on the spout during the filling process and contaminate the inner bag wall with a dust layer. This layer works as a separating agent for later heat sealing of the inner liner – the seal can be peeled when stressed. In the cleaning station dives a nozzle for approx 50 mm into the bag (top) and blows off the dust in the sealing zone. A heat seal made in this clean zone does not peel.
Electromotive elevating device OVERTAPER CODER
The distance between conveyor and sealer head must be adapted to different bag lengths. This can be done by rising or descending the conveyor or sealer head, the other being at fix level. The sealer head is generally height-adjustable (belts at 700 – 1630 mm above floor range), this is for the light and medium wheight heads with a manual crank (on long heavy-weight heads always electromotive). If the sealer head shall be adapted to the bag length frequently, the manual crank can be replaced by the comfortable electromotive hight adjustment.